Where is the Location of Mokoko Seeds in Lost Ark Bilbrin Forest

There is a detailed map showing all nine Mokoko Seed locations in Bilbrin Forest of Lost Ark that you can utilize to gather them all.

Mokoko Seeds are green treasures that can be found on the ground in different areas within the Lost Ark. You can collect Mokoko Seeds and receive cash rewards with every fifty seeds they collect. Certain seeds are hidden or hidden behind locations which require specific songs or abilities to unlock. There are around 888 Mokoko Seeds available in the game, meaning there’s plenty to keep your mind busy.

In this article we will look at all of the Lost Ark Bilbrin Forest Mokoko Seeds places. The number of locations is nine Mokoko Seeds in Bilbrin Forest and they are all accessible if you know where to search. Check out the map and section below for a quick reference to each of the Mokoko Seed places.

Lost Ark Bilbrin Forest

Bilbrin Forest is a tranquil and dense forest that is a blanket of skies, and the inhabitants of this region earn money by hunting. It is also known for producing archers of the highest quality. In addition to its abundance of sources, it’s an excellent location to gather the nine Mokoko Seeds. They’re scattered across the region, which means you’ll need to travel across the entire area.

The Mokoko Seeds are located everywhere located in Bilbrin Forest

The Mokoko has nine seeds within the Bilbrin Forest region. The seeds can be found in the north there are three seeds in the center and three in the southern portion of the region. Here’s a map showing the nine areas:

How many Mokoko seeds are within Bilbrin Forest?

The total number is nine Mokoko Seeds that can be collected from Bilbrin Forest.

Lost Ark Bilbrin Forest Mokoko Seeds Location

Where is Bilbrin Forest located in Lost Ark?

Bilbrin Forest is a region that is located in the continent West Luterra. It’s a game-playing zone that you’ll probably run through to finish quests, find resources, and Mokoko Seeds to kill monsters, and meet the merchants who travel around.

That all about the “Where is the Location of Mokoko Seeds in Lost Ark Bilbrin Forest”. For more information and guide about Lost Ark check our website, here is another location of Lost Ark Dreamgull Island Mokoko Seeds Locations. Make sure don’t forget to like or follows us on our TwitterFacebook pageand Instagram accounts.

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