Lost Ark Nia Village Mokoko seeds Locations
You can find a map showing all eight Mokoko Seed locations in Nia Village, Lost Ark.
Mokoko Seeds, which are green collectibles, can be found on the ground in different areas of Lost Ark. Mokoko Seeds can be collected by players and they will earn rewards for each 50 seeds that are collected. Some seeds are hidden behind locked areas or require special skills or songs to unlock. There are approximately 888 Mokoko seeds in the game. This means there is plenty to collect and keep you busy.
This post will show you all the Lost Ark Nia Village Mokoko Seeds locations. There are eight Mokoko seeds in Nia Village. They are easily found if you know where to look. To find out all Mokoko Seed locations, refer to the map and section below.
Lost Ark Nia Village
Nia Village is an area on the continent Punika in southwestern Arkesia. This area is busy getting ready for the Lailai Festival to Albion, which celebrates the holy beast that saved Punika. If you want to collect all of the Mokoko Seeds, you can find the complete list below.
All Mokoko Seed Locations at Nia Village
Eight Mokoko Seeds are found in the Nia village region. Five of them are located in the west, and the other three are in east. Below is a map showing all eight locations.
FAQ Lost Ark Nia Village Mokoko seeds
How many Mokoko Seeds can you find in Nia Village
In Nia Village, there are eight total Mokoko Seeds that you can collect.
Where is Nia Village located?
Nia Village is an area in Punika. This area is busy in preparations for the Lailai Festival to Albion, the holy beast which saved Punika. You can visit this endgame area at item level 1100 in order to gather resources, kill monsters, and visit different merchants.
That all about “Lost Ark Lagoon Island Mokoko seeds Locations”. For more information and guide about Lost Ark check our website, here is another location of Lost Ark Saland Hill Mokoko seeds Locations. Make sure don’t forget to like or follows us on our Twitter, Facebook page, and Instagram accounts.